Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jeff Leatham are you one of us??

I watched Oprah this morning and she was doing an interview with the gorgeous Jeff Leatham. I quickly did a google search and was mesmerized first with his works and second, his looks. :) his name spells L-O-V-E!!

i must admit, i am not a fan of showbiz people. yes, truly they are gorgeous with our sense of sight but what makes a man uniquely glamorous for me is that he is a FUNCTIONAL and INTELLIGENT being. I want to be proud of my man's work and accomplishments. Looks fades, but achievements, they last forever. :)

Jeff, are you one of us? if yes, then marry me! :)


  1. OMG. he is so dreamy.

  2. @daredevilry: IDOL! wow! one of THE BEST blogger i follow commented on my post! whew! hahaha starstruck??? :D yes he is. :D
